Risk Management Programme


Our company has a comprehensive Risk Management programme that incorporates the following four key elements:


– Risk Identification: We systematically identify potential risks that could impact our operations, projects, and overall business objectives. This includes both internal and external risks.


– Risk Analysis & Evaluation: Once risks are identified, we analyze and evaluate their potential impact and likelihood. This helps us prioritize risks and develop appropriate response strategies.


– Risk Treatment: We implement risk treatment plans to mitigate or eliminate identified risks. This may involve avoiding, transferring, reducing, or accepting risks, depending on their nature and impact.


– Risk Monitoring: We continuously monitor identified risks and the effectiveness of our treatment plans. This allows us to adjust our strategies as needed and ensure that new risks are promptly addressed.


Our Risk Management programme addressed the following 3 topics :


  1. Internal and External Risks:


Our Risk Management programme addresses both internal and external risks.


– Internal Risks: These include operational, financial, and strategic risks that arise within our organization.

– External Risks: These encompass market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and other factors outside our control that could impact our business.



  1. Risks related to Business Continuity:


Our business continuity procedure includes the following elements:


– Accountability and Communication Procedures: We have clear lines of accountability and established communication protocols to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and actions are coordinated during a disruption.


– Assessment of Core Infrastructure Elements: Our business continuity plan includes an assessment of critical infrastructure elements, such as IT systems, to ensure they can support continued operations during and after a disruption.


  1. Specific External Risks:


Our company has specific procedures that address specific external risks, including:


– Risk Related to Pandemic Threats: We have a comprehensive plan in place to manage risks associated with pandemic threats, such as Covid-19. This includes health and safety measures, remote working capabilities, and continuity planning.


– Risk Related to Cyber Security: Our Cyber Security Management plan, as described under FD 5.9, outlines measures to protect our digital assets and data from cyber threats. This includes regular security assessments, employee training, and incident response protocols.


– Risk Related to Supply Chain Management: Our Supply Chain Quality Management plan, as described under MS3, addresses risks related to our supply chain. This includes supplier evaluations, contingency planning, and strategies to ensure the continuity of supply.


By addressing these areas comprehensively, we ensure that our Risk Management programme is robust and capable of supporting our business objectives and resilience.