IGL is a company committed to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. IGL believes in free and fair competition while striving to service our customers.


In accordance with FIDI FAIM Requirements, we are committed to comply with the FIDI Anti-Trust Charter that fight against Cartels and unfair practices. We comply with the Competition act of India 2002 and all other Anti-Trust law in the countries where we do business. As an affiliate of FIDI, we never seek a competitive advantage through unethical, illegal or unfair practice. We are determined to support the fight against cartels, which restrict competition among suppliers to the detriment of customers.


This policy applies to individual employees, agents, suppliers, consultants or any other people or bodies associated with IGL or any of its subsidiaries and employees.


To achieve our commitment and to provide unmatched relocation service to our clients, we expect compliance of the following code of conduct from all our employees, clients, associates, business partners and suppliers:


1. Never make direct or indirect (via third parties including agents, suppliers or customers) contact with an actual or potential competitor or other third party, the object of which is to engage in cartel behavior.


2.Never propose or reach an agreement, whether directly or indirectly, formally or informally, with actual or potential competitors, regarding any sensitive competition-related issues, including:
– Fixing prices
– Dividing or sharing markets, customers or territories
– Rigging a competitive bidding process


3. Report any indication or initiative of improper anticompetitive business conduct by an actual or potential competitor in accordance to your internal reporting procedure, including but not limited to, reporting to your legal department and/or to the relevant Anti-Trust authorities.


4. Not to participate in a meeting of a trade association in which sensitive competition-related issues are discussed. If such subjects are raised during a meeting, employees of FIDI Affiliates must immediately ask for the discussion to end. If not, they must leave the meeting and ask for that to be noted in the minutes of the meeting.


5. Ensure that all internal and external correspondence, including e-mails and texts, and documents, discussions and public statements do not contain any statements that might be misinterpreted by third parties or Anti-Trust authorities and courts in the context of a potential Anti-Trust investigation.


6.Maintain independent judgment in pricing or selling of any products and/or services.


7. Limit any information discussed during commercial negotiations, with or disclosed to competitors or other third parties, to that which is strictly necessary for completing or assessing the transaction.


Report of Investigation:
Employees shall immediately seek guidance from or notify Managing Director of IGL if the employee receives any inquiry from any governmental agency or from any private lawyer regarding any alleged antitrust violation.


Disciplinary Actions on Violation of Policy:
IGL is strongly committed to compliance with the anti-trust policy. We take non-compliance very seriously. Upon violation of this Antitrust Policy, as determined by IGL in its sole discretion, IGL may take any or all of the following actions: provide a warning or notice of breach to said employee/ stakeholder or terminate the employment of said employee.


This policy will be reviewed regularly in light of applicable laws or other relevant developments and may be revised without any prior notice.